I know how overwhelming it is for people to start with a new program or healthy routine! We are all excited to start, jump in with both feet, but many times we are not truly prepared for the commitment! I encourage my clients and newbies, to go through these five steps to make sure they are truly set up for success. Don't underestimate the power of preparation, we love to think that we can just "wing it", but you didn't have a plan before you started and I ask, how was that going for you? There is a reason we commit to trying something new, because what we were doing before was not working. You don't just FALL into a healthy life, it takes time, planning, and energy; especially in todays world where there are so many more unhealthy options at our fingertips.
Step 1 - Know Your Program This seems like the most obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised how many people start a program and NEVER read the material! The first thing I do when I start a new fitness and nutrition program is read through THE ENTIRE workout guide and meal planning booklet. The meal plan officially turns into my bible, I read it all the way through at least two or three times, and when I first started, I also went through and wrote down notes and questions as I read! That way I could get them answered before I started the program and not get stumped in the middle of the week and get totally thrown off. Don't just "wing it" know your material! Pro Tip : Go to an office supply store and spiral bound your meal plan! It makes it way easier to read. To See More Progress Photos CLICK HERE Step 2 - Workouts With all the plans that I follow, the workouts are set out for me, there is no guessing or knowing what workouts I'm going to do because it's laid out! If you have a structured plan like this it should be fairly easy to stay on track with everything! Just in case you STILL struggle with it, here are a few tips: - Print your workout calendar and put it in some place where you can physically SEE and cross off your workouts, there is something about putting an X through each day that gives your brain a sense of accomplishment! - Have your equipment, this goes back to step one! If you did that you should know exactly what kind of equipment you need (if any), don't start a workout and not have what you need. I can tell you from experience, doing a pull up with out a pull up bar is a pain in the ass. - Set your workout space! Know where you are going to workout! Make sure it's clean. Most of us (like me) use our living rooms. I just want to make sure no one steps on a lego and breaks their face, it's not fun and injury's are a no go in my house! Pro Tip : Give your self a small prize at the end of every week! Add small sticky notes with little prizes to your calendar! That way every time you get to those days, you get to "treat" yourself. PLEASE make sure these are not food related. Step 3 - Meal Prep & Plan
This is the most difficult part for most people. I don't know why food prep is such a hard concept, but this is where the struggle lies for most of us! The biggest piece of advice I can give is to prepare everything you need, and then prepare some more, when it comes to meal prep there is no such thing as being over prepared or organized. Now, if you struggle with knowing WHAT to plan. Don't worry! I'm here to walk you through the meal planning process! - Make sure you know what calorie bracket you are in, you will never know if you are eating to much or two little if you don't have a calorie goal in mind. Most programs come with a calculator that walks you through how to get to that "magic number"
- Physically write a meal plan, I have a meal plan template that you can find my CLICKING HERE. Just like having a workout calendar in front of you can help, the same thing goes for a meal plan, being able to look and know what you are going to eat at any given time gives you a daily map of your meals and keeps you from getting off course. - Write a shopping list from your meal plan! Walk around your kitchen with the meal plan you have written, figure out everything you need and go get it. - After you have your food, write a prep list. - PREP EVERYTHING, cut, wash, and prepare as much as you can. Prep shouldn't be walking around your kitchen wondering "what to do!" you should already know exactly what needs to be done; work from a list to be more efficient. Pro Tip : Portion out single servings of fruit and veggies, these are great for a grab and go! Step 4 - Set Your Expectations Don't ever start something like this with crazy expectations of losing tons of weight overnight. The reason it's called "hard work" is because it takes time, consistency, and lots of cooking, sweat, and tears! When you start a program like this you can expect to lose 1-2 lbs a week depending on where you are in your fitness journey. My biggest pet peeve is when people get through their first week and say, "I ONLY lost 3 lbs this week! What am I don't wrong?" The answer is NOTHING, if you lost 3 lbs a week for an entire year, that would be 156 lbs! The FAST results or the QUICK fix doesn't exist, so before you start, get out of that mindset. Know that if you want results that STICK you need to STICK with it for more than a week! Pro Tip : Get a good book to read on mindset, you would be surprised what that can do for you during a process like this! I love the books You Are A Badass & The Compound Effect. Step 5 - TRACK, TRACK, TRACK!
Don't use the "my jeans feel lose" method! I know it can be HARD to step on the scale and take those before pictures, but I'm telling your right now, being able to SEE the numbers change and the difference in your pictures is what will get you through on the tough days! NOW, that being said, I'm not telling you to step on the scale every single day. You are allowed to weigh in ONE DAY A WEEK. Did you hear me? ONE DAY, not two, not five, ONE. So pick your day and make that your "Stat-urday!" The day when you track your stats! Now personally when I am starting a program I take all the following measurements Weight : R Arm : L Arm : Chest : Waist : Hips : R Leg : L Leg :
I also take front, side, and back pictures. That way I know exactly where my body is changing! If you need help with knowing how to measure properly, here is a short video! CLICK HERE
------------------------------------- Don't ever think that you CAN'T do something, most of what I show up and do everyday has been done before hand! All I'm doing is execution! That's why preparation is so frickin important. Its way to easy to just grab a pizza, or skip a workout if you don't have anything else already planned! Good luck on your journey, I KNOW you can do this! For more information on getting started please contact me! I would love to help coach you 1-1 and get you started to your own results - lauren@thefitlaw.com