I'm writing this post today just getting home from my 6 week postpartum check up. I just got cleared to workout, take baths, and do all of the "other" things as well. I also brought this plan with me and walked through it with my Dr and he told me I was welcome to do it WITH modifications. If you don't know anything about this cleanse let me give you the quick rundown before we jump in. The 3 Day Refresh is a three day cleanse designed to clean out your body, reset your metabolism and kick-start in to a healthy lifestyle. Now for me, I'm already relatively healthy but being pregnant took a tole on my hormones, my digestion, and I'm ready to start fresh, so I'm using one the weekend before jumping into my new 6 week workout program the Monday following. This is how I recommend that most people use it, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do this and then go right back to the way you were eating, so make sure you have a plan coming off the three days! Now I've been nursing my son for 6 weeks, we have no current complications, he is gaining weight AND my supply is fine. So if you have any concerns about the previous things while breastfeeding your little one make sure to consult your Dr! So let's jump in to this... Anything you see in the plan with a + is something I have added in that is not normally in the Refresh, because I'm nursing I need the extra 500 calories.
* If you want more information on the 3-day refresh, feel free to contact me - lauren@thefitlaw.com * You can also order it for yourself through this link
Day 1 - Start Weight 169.8 So, I went into this thinking that I was going to be extremely hungry all day. Surprisingly enough I really wasn't. Now keep in mind after reading a lot I decided that to make this work I was going to add in 2 extra veggie servings and 3 extra fruit servings. That ended up being the extra calories that I needed to hit the 500 mark to make sure I didn't have an issue with my supply. Here is a breakdown of what I did throughout the day, the cleanse is broken up this way as well. Upon Waking - WATER WATER WATER. The booklet says 8-10 oz, but I try to drink at least that if not more. Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology + FULL banana + Ice and Water Morning "Tea" - I opted for black coffee (yup I didn't give it up) Mid-Morning - Fiber Sweep (CHUGGED THIS) Lunch - Vanilla Fresh Shake + FULL banana + Carrots and Hummus Afternoon Snack - Bell Peppers & MORE Hummus Afternoon Tea - I just drank water and didn't add anything here. Dinner - Vanilla Fresh + 1 C Mixed Berries + I made a veggie soup with onions, carrots, celery and veggie broth. The broth is optional and in total I had two full veggie servings. Day 2 - Weight 167.2 (loss of 2.6 lbs)
I woke up with a major headache so I started chugging water like crazy, I think this was happening because the sugar was detoxing out of my body. I don't eat a TON but I always notice when I stop eating it all together I get headache for a day or two. I really wanted to go for a walk but it was negative 7 degrees so instead I stayed inside all day. I have to say for me day 2 is normally always the hardest, and I don't know if it was because I was adding a few things but I really wasn't feeling hungry or struggling with it at all this time around. Here was the breakdown of my day! Upon Waking - Water (but you knew that) Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology + FULL banana + Ice & Water Morning Tea - *Cough Black Coffee Cough* Mid-Morning - Fiber Sweep Lunch - Vanilla Fresh + FULL banana + Bell Peppers and Hummus Afternoon Snack - Carrots & MORE hummus (I really like hummus) Afternoon Tea - Same as the day before I just drank water and skipped this Dinner - Vanilla Fresh + 1/2 banana + Mug of broth + Brussles Sprouts and onions that I cooked in my healthy fat choice of olive oil, I only used half the amount so for the other half I sprinkled with pine nuts, AND I deglazed the pan with balsamic vinegar while cooking (it's a free food!) Day 3 - Weight 165.6 (loss of 4.2 lbs)
The headache was gone and this morning I was feeling AMAZING. Also, mother nature has a sick sense of humor because it was 55 degrees outside so I took the baby for a walk, I also ventured out to the store to pick up food to prep for the following week. This is the day where you start dreaming about weird foods, and saying things like "I can't wait to have some brown rice tomorrow." I knew today was going to be a breeze because the last day always is, if it's only ONE more day I feel like anyone can push through that. Upon Waking - Water!!!!!! Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology + FULL banana + Ice & Water Morning Tea - Another Black Coffee Mid-Morning - Fiber Sweep (Thank God I was done with these) Lunch - Vanilla Fresh + I made the brussles and onions from the day before (they were good what can I say) Afternoon Snack - Bell Peppers & hummus Afternoon Tea - Water Water Water Dinner - Vanilla Fresh + 1/2 banana + Lemon & Garlic Green Beans!
------------------------------------- Day 4 (POST REFRESH) - Final Weight 165.2 That's a total loss of 4.6 lbs in three days!
So some of the biggest questions I got during this cleanse was about my breast feeding supply. I never noticed a dip in mine at all, now keep in mind I was drinking a crazy amount of water, but it really didn't seem to change at all for me. As far as my sons reaction on day three I did notice he was extra gassy (and so was I) I'm not sure why that was but it subsided on day 4 so I'm not super worried about it. Overall I actually really enjoyed this refresh, I have done it three times before and had good results but honestly this time it was almost easy. I don't know if that's because of the extra food, or the fact that I was SO ready to be back on my health and fitness journey but either way I'm really happy I did it. Don't ever think that you CAN'T do something, I got a lot of hate for doing this while nursing. The reality is this, I really don't care what other people think, I know my body and I know my baby and if at any time during the three days I noticed I was not feeling good or he wasn't getting enough to eat I would have immediately stopped. So if you decide to give this a go and have questions please feel free to reach out, I would be happy to help! lauren@thefitlaw.com